-Bookings are only accepted on the understanding that you have read and agree to our Conditions of Boarding as follows
Please remember to let us have a copy of your pet’s up to date vaccination certificate, forwarded by email photograph or scan. Pets cannot be accepted without this confirmation Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 (Defra and City of York Council Licensing Rules)
It is the owners responsibility that vaccinations are up to date on admittance, if certification is not, your pet will not be accepted, and your fee is lost
Dogs: All dogs entering Red House must produce an up to date yearly vaccination certificate against Distemper, Hepatitis (adenovirus) and Parvo virus and Leptospirosis with a UK licensed product. Vaccination (including boosters) must have been completed, at the very least, 2 weeks before the dog’s arrival in order to ensure maximum protection.
A Veterinary Titre Test certificate proving immunity to the above diseases, issued within the last 12 months will also be accepted.
Dogs vaccinated against Bordetella bronchiseptica (Kennel Cough) with INTRAC or NOBIVAC KC. The KC vaccination is optional for boarding with us but if given must be administered at least 3 weeks before the first day of boarding, or your pet will not be admitted
Cats: All cats entering Purrfect Paradise must produce an up to date, yearly vaccination certificate with a UK licensed product, against feline parvovirus (feline infectious enteritis) (FIE) feline panleukopenia, and against feline respiratory viruses (feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus) Vaccination (including boosters) must have been completed, at the very least, 2 weeks before the cat’s arrival in order to ensure maximum protection.
Homeopathic vaccination is not acceptable as it will not protect against infectious diseases.
All cats over 5 months of age MUST be neutered, or they cannot be accepted.
Dogs over 10 months only accepted if neutered.
Booking, Securing and Confirming Bookings
No bookings are confirmed or secured without payment in full. Due to additional admin, deposits are not taken. Clients paying in full will have preferential booking.
All clients need to confirm their drop off and pick up time when confirming their booking.
Last minute bookings and date changes are subject to availability.
Unconfirmed bookings (unpaid bookings) may be lost, and reallocated to other clients if not settled within 14 days of drop off.
Payment is accepted by Bank Transfer ( Faster Payment/ OTR) to:- Alyse Clancey Sort Code: 560070 Account Number: 48138614 Reference: Your Pets Name and Your Surname. PLEASE NOTE payments by card or cheque are no longer accepted
Payments made and cancelled with more than 14 days notice CAN be transferred to a friend, neighbour or relative’s pets stay if preferred
Payments made will not be refunded, though may be held on file for your next booking and must be taken within a 12 month period. ( see above)
EARLY COLLECTION -Should you wish to collect your pet earlier than the pre arranged collection date, please phone to inform me, you will then be welcome to collect your pet (at a pre arranged time within our normal opening hours), however the full booked period remains payable.
Please be aware of opening times 8am to 11.30 Monday to Friday, 9am to 11.30 Saturdays. CLOSED SUNDAYS AND BANK HOLIDAYS. Collection and delivery preferred prior to 11am please
Now operating with a pre booked paper free drop off and collection, booking form, acceptance forms and medication authority ( if pet on meds) are to be completed through the website. Collection out of hours by prior arrangement in exceptional circumstances only, subject to a £40 out of hours fee.
Arrival and collection information
All dogs must arrive on leads. All cats must be secured in an easily disinfect-able carry case ( Defra legislation) Newspaper inside the transport case is a good idea, a puppy training pad is an even better idea!
Due to health and safety, One cat per transport case only, Transport cases can be loaned - just ask.
Pets cannot be accepted without a completed and submitted Acceptance Form through the Members area of the web site
I am happy to provide food for your pet, or food can be fed as provided at no extra charge, it is recommended any change to diet is made gradually to avoid tummy upsets.
Dog bathing and grooming with specialist drying facilities are available here in Pooches Paradise, treat your pet to a lovely warm aloe vera massage bath before collection, ( pre booking essential)
Pets with specialist coats requiring clipping, trimming or professional grooming will be carried out by specialist groomers. Pre booking will be required to enable this to be booked on your behalf, and will carry a separate invoice payable by cash or cheque only. Due to Health and Safety ALL pets MUST have their collar removed before admittance.
It is recommended your pet is on an effective de flea programme, obtained from your vet.
Please ensure your pets have been treated for parasites 7 to 14 days prior to boarding with a veterinary supplied product, preferably administered by a vet. A record of the product used, and the date administered will be required. Spot on products should be applied to the animals skin between the back of the neck and shoulder blades. Product applied to the pet’s fur or coat will NOT provide immunity, the whole product MUST be applied to the skin only. Please note, all pets need to be treated including ‘house’ cats. Over the counter products such as Bob Martin and Frontline are proving ineffective, and therefore considered unsuitable for acceptance into a Boarding Cattery. Fumigation and veterinary fees for any infestation whilst boarding, will be passed on to the owner at a cost of £30 per pet to cover treatment and fumigation. In severe cases this may also incur a veterinary call out fee, charges will be passed to the owner.
Should your pet need to be taken to the vet, a £40 transportation fee will be charged plus 50p per mile.
All pets are provided with clean comfortable bedding, please state any preferences. Due to hygeine regulations, bedding from home is no longer accepted, including towels / blankets etc in cat transport cases.
All cats have a choice of two specialist beds with clean fluffy vet bed
Please remind prior to delivery if your cat is not used to a cat flap.
On request we now have individual specialist low wattage electrically heated dog bed plates available at no extra charge. *Though please note, if your pet damages or destroys the Heated Plate they will be deemed sold to you at cost price.
We have a large selection of toys available at no extra charge, please let us know your pets preferences. Extra belongings with your pet are no longer accepted.
Own food and treats should be clearly labelled with your pets name and feeding advice, either branded unopened, or if loose, placed in plastic boxes that are easily disinfected
Any medication should be clearly labelled with the pets name and dosage instructions (a medication form will need to be completed via the Members Area on the Website)
No charge is made for the administration of medication, which will be administered as directed and to the best of ability, though no risks will be taken with unwilling pets.
Pets requiring insulin injections are no longer accepted.
It is requested that elderly pets and pets on medication are checked over by their vet approximately 7 days prior to boarding, and the vet is notified that the pet will be boarding here.
Pets from the same household sharing accommodation will be separated if problems arise e.g. fighting or stress, at the discretion of the management, additional fees will apply
Please declare if your pet has had any medical issues. For example, bloat, fitting, lameness, breathing issues, heart murmur, self harming, allergies etc
Any pet having an undisclosed medical condition prior to booking and arrival may be turned away without refund.
Dogs prone to FLIGHT must be declared at time of booking, and are boarded entirely at the owners risk.
Please let me know if your pet is liable to chew or destroy items.
I am unable to accept untrained, rude or unruly dogs, or dogs which dig, climb, howl, bark or suffer from separation anxiety.
All “new” dogs will need a taster stay prior to confirming any future bookings.
Dogs untrained, or excessively unruly on the lead may have restricted exercise due to health and safety and duty of care to employees.
The Proprietor should be advised prior to booking if any pet has behaviour issues.
We reserve the right to refuse boarding to any pet at the discretion of the management, due to aggressive behaviour or poor health, or any other matter causing concern.
While pets boarded at Red House receive every care and attention, they are boarded entirely at the risk of the owner. Any health concerns need to be reported within 24 hours of collecting your pet.
Daily photographs of your pet can be taken at a cost of £5 per day.
Prior to admission of your pet, you will need to complete a comprehensive acceptance list clarifying your pets health, care, and any special wishes you may require, this is now available via the Members Area on the web site, along with *Medication Authorities, and *Elderly/ Frail pet authority which will need completing and submitting prior to drop off. (*If applicable)
If you would like to let us know any additional details about your pet we will be happy to take note.
Any animal not collected within 14 days of the agreed departure date will be dealt with at the discretion of the management, the owners will be liable for all costs incurred.
GDPR Full details our policy can be forwarded by email on request, and are displayed in the Cattery and Kennel receptions.
In short, by booking your pet with us, we will hold details of your name, your address, email address and your phone number, which vet you use and a local emergency contact phone number. We will never collect additional information about you without informing you of this beforehand. We hold these details because of legal obligation under section 61(2) of Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 and conditions of our Animal Boarding Licence. The holding of your data is necessary for us to comply with the law; to assist in good animal care; in dialoguing with your vet if necessary for the care of your pet and to provide you with the best service possible.
We require your consent to continue to hold your data beyond 2 years from the boarding dates and to effect future bookings using your old records. When you rebook, legal obligations re data are again in force.
Your personal information forms part of the contract between us. So we have three reasons mentioned above to hold your data, the primary one being our legal obligation. If you cannot agree to our keeping your personal data as described, we cannot board your pet.
By booking your pet with us, you agree to the holding of data for the purpose of boarding your pet, and agree to our terms and conditions as above.
Pictures of your pet may be taken and posted on Social Media eg Facebook and / or Website, no names will be posted, please advise if you do not want this.
The management reserve the right to amend the above at any time.
We genuinely love animals, and will do all we can to ensure your pet has a wonderful holiday
COPYRIGHT © Red House, Murton, York